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My journey 

I was always interested in art and creative subjects, I studied art and media subjects at  GCSE ,HNC, HND and most recently a BA at University. I learnt art firstly with classic material works i.e. painting and drawing and the works of the classic masters and less mainstream and local artists. I also became interested with cameras and film making (both still and video) and later studied the medium to degree level as well  as working in the industry. 


I like to use new and existing technology, software and apps to create art work that can be appreciated and used by everyone. I love form and light and finding a way to create art from any location and situation.

I enjoy working with all methods of creating art and enjoy mentoring, teaching and encouraging others to learn and start producing art work via any accessible options for them.

I also love retouching other people's photos and working with other businesses to help them produce the best quality content possible in order to promote/grow their business.


I have worked on accessibility programs to help introduce photography and digital arts to those with no access to mainstream art and media education. I have also written several articles for online publishers and carried out talks with photography clubs across the UK.

I am currently looking at working with community groups to set up full-term structured art/media classes with other creatives to teach children outside of the mainstream education route.



My guides

I've always been exposed to art from an early age from my mother drawing, my uncle making films, my father and his long but enjoyable slide shows of photographs and many trips to museums, art galleries and exhibitions. I was always going to end up working in an art career. 


I am fascinated by the alternative and experimental artists, directors and photographers and always try to learn something from every creative I encounter.

I particularly love the art of Dali, Hockney, Mondrian, Kandinsky, Pollock and of course my local artist growing up Rennie Macintosh. A sense of light, colour and form working together became hugely important to me. I also love modern illustrative art and count Alan Moore, Frank Miller and Jamie Hewlett as my strongest inspirations in this field. 


I grew up watching classic films from directors like John Ford and Sergio leone and a love of landscapes and vast sweeping vistas, blown out colours and a sense of the rituals of life being hugely fascinating - something I love to look at with my street photography. 


Photography is something I only started professionally later in life (even though I've enjoyed taking pictures since I was a child). I think my tastes and inspirations in this field are totally different to all my others as i found them as an adult and as a trained videographer so they seem to lean more on the professional aspects than the simple visual enjoyment. I admire the work of Ansel Adams, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Jacques Henri Lartigue, Platon, David Brookover and Laura Wilson.

I am lucky enough to be surrounded by photographers including my father in law, my cousin in law, my best friend and many close friends and classmates who are all excellent photographers and practice many different styles and methods of photography. I'm constantly enveloped in a world of inspiration and lessons and always pushed and motivated to keep working and keep evolving.    



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